Orders are processed and shipped from Los Angeles. Typically, we process orders within 1-3 business days of purchase. We will email you your tracking number once we ship out your package. Orders are not delivered on the weekends or federal holidays.

Free Shipping on orders over $65


Standard 3 to 5 Business Days $5.99
Priority 1-2 Business Days $30

Signature packages may be required on orders over $200. No additional charge for this option.

If your package is returned to us due to an incorrect address or if it is not claimed at your local post office, you will be issued store credit or charged a re-shipping fee.

It is not our responsibility if USPS experiences delay, shipping cost will not be refundable as we have processed your order on a timely order. Please consider 1-2 extra days for us to process your order. Holidays are not considered as a business day. 

Incorrect Shipping Address Policy

If a customer inputs an incorrect shipping address, it is not our responsibility, and no refunds will be provided. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the shipping address provided during checkout is accurate.

In the event that a package is returned to us due to an incorrect shipping address provided by the customer, the customer has two options:

  1. Reshipment: The customer may choose to have the package reshipped to the correct address. A reshipment fee of $5.99 will be charged to cover shipping and handling costs.

  2. Store Credit: Alternatively, the customer may opt to receive store credit for the value of the returned items, minus any shipping fees incurred by us.

Please ensure that you double-check the shipping address provided during checkout to avoid any inconvenience or additional charges. We are unable to reroute packages once they have been shipped, and any costs associated with re-routing or reshipping due to incorrect address information will be the responsibility of the customer.

Lost or Stolen Package Policy

We ship all domestic orders via USPS, which offers secure and easily trackable shipping methods. While we strive to ensure the safe delivery of your packages, we recognize that unforeseen circumstances may occur during transit.

If your package is lost in transit, we will make every effort to assist you in locating it. However, please note the following:

  • We are not responsible for refunds for lost packages. Once an order has been shipped and is in transit, we cannot guarantee its delivery.
  • We are not responsible for refunds for packages delivered to incorrect addresses. Please ensure that the shipping address provided during checkout is accurate to prevent any delivery issues.
  • If you have moved and failed to update your shipping address before your package was shipped, we cannot issue a refund. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure their shipping information is up to date.

To provide additional protection and peace of mind for your orders, we highly recommend purchasing the Route Protection plan at checkout. This plan offers coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged packages, providing you with added security throughout the shipping process.

***We cannot be held responsible for packages once proof of delivery is generated. Once the carriers have hold of the package we cannot be responsible for delivered items that have been lost or stolen. ***